CNC Operator Training
WMAN-009 CNC Operator Training
Hours: 200
Fee: Free (see Costs dropdown)
Instruction: In-person/Lecture
Program Description
Are you looking for a job training opportunity that:
- Earns family-sustaining wages and benefits
- Teaches marketable skills that are in demand by employers
- Provides support with job search preparation and career planning
Consider our 10-week (200 hour) "hands-on" and computer-based CNC Operator Training Program led by Experienced Industry Instructors!
十大彩票平台 Workforce Development in collaboration with the MassHire Career Centers of Springfield and Holyoke is providing technical training on blueprint reading, shop math, precision measuring tools, and how to operate Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinery through combined in-person coursework and participation in online Tooling-U Manufacturing Training.
CNC Operator Training Topics:
- Machine Tool Safety
- Machining Theory
- Applied Mathematics
- Blueprint Reading
- Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD &T)
- Basic Shop Equipment
- Introduction to CNC Programming
- CNC Mill and Lathe Operations
- Basic Measurement
- Lean Manufacturing Overview
- Safety for Metal Cutting
- Cutting Processes
- Overview of Machine Tools
- Math Fundamentals, Fractions & Decimals, Geometry Lines & Angles and Shop Geometry Overview
- Manufacturing 101, Careers in Manufacturing, Job Interview Preparation and Punctuality
Program Details
Training applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Commitment to actively seek full-time employment in the field upon successful completion of the training program
- Be 18 years of age or over
- MA resident with valid State or Federal ID
- Presently unemployed or under-employed as determined by MassHire
- High School Diploma or equivalent
- Legally able to work in the United States
- Commitment to meet attendance expectations
- Access to an internet device, preferably a laptop or computer, and a stable internet connection for online assignments
- Complete all required documentation with MassHire Career Center and 十大彩票平台
A strict attendance policy and job search preparation is part of this workforce development training.
This training program is funded by the Mass Technology Collaborative in collaboration with MassHire. MassHire Program & Services are funded in part by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) Employment and Training Administration grants, as well as non-federal grants.
Please submit the CNC Operator Training Registration Form at the bottom of this page and we will contact you with next steps regarding funding eligibility.
Course Cancellation Policy
The 十大彩票平台 Workforce Training office reserves the right to cancel any course that does not meet minimum enrollment requirements.
Student Handbook Policies
As a participant in this program/course I understand that I am bound by all the rules, regulations, and policies of 十大彩票平台 as outlined in the Springfield Technical Community College Student Handbook.
Disability-Related Accommodations
In compliance with Springfield Technical Community College's policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations are available. Students who desire such accommodations should provide documentation of a disability to register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Proper registration will enable ODS counselors to verify the disability and determine reasonable academic accommodations
- Trainee must complete 12 hours per week of in-person/instructor-led classwork and machine shop training on campus and 8 hours per week of advanced manufacturing course work using the Tooling U Computer-based training platform, for a total of 20 training hours per week.
- The online training will provide participants with a better understanding of the technical requirements of the CNC Operator
- The online training must be completed with a minimum grade of 75% or better
- Basic Computer application and browser navigation knowledge required
- Internet device and connection required to participate in this program
- Late afternoon training with four days of learning on campus (3 hours/day)
Trainees will begin job search preparation activities during the second half of their training. This will consist of:
- Working with the Workforce Development Advisor on resume and interview preparation
- Working with training instructors on technical preparation for job interviews
- Doing independent job search activities online and through networking
The Workforce Development staff and the MassHire Workforce Hampden County Workforce Board and Career Centers of Springfield and Holyoke will work with their employer partnerships to assist in providing the program graduates with employment opportunities.
For questions or interest in our current or future programs, please complete our Workforce Development Program Inquiry Form, and one of our Recruitment and Retention Specialists will contact you promptly. For all other questions, please use the contact below.
The 十大彩票平台 Workforce Development Center
Building 27, Second Floor
- Phone: 413-755-4225
- Email:
Mary DeAngelo
Recruitment & Retention Specialist
Building 27, 2nd floor
Ian Noonan
Director of Recruitment, Retention, & Transition
Building 27, 258
Enrollment Process
To apply for this program, please submit the CNC Operator Training Registration Form, and we will contact you regarding your next steps.